How to fight fleas off from the houses

Small, brown, wingless, with a laterally compressed body, approximately 2 mm long. They are very agile, feeding with blood from their host. They attack humans, goats, dogs, cats, hedgehogs, birds and mice. They are moved by jumping, facilitated by long back legs.

The biological cycle lasts from 3 weeks to 2 years, depending on the ambient conditions (temperature, humidity, host). The female bores 3-18 eggs each time in the environment or on the host. Under ideal conditions, eggs hatch within 2-4 days.

Larvae feed on adult stools and after completing three larval stages, they become nymphs and then adult insect. They can perfectly live for many months without food.

With their bites, they can transmit many pathogens, most notably plague, that is transmitted to humans by the mice through the fleas.

Most common sting points are feet. As we pass through a flea spot, they jump on our feet and sting.

They do not remain in our body, but we can easily transfer them to nearby places. They cause intense pruritus, which manifests, hours after stinging. If the same flea stings us a second time, it is possible that an allergic reaction will cause pimples in our body.

Our experience over the years has shown that fleas are presented in homes based on the following reasons:

  • A cat gave birth in our yard (the most likely cause)
  • We poured manure into our garden
  • We visited a sheep or goat farm
  • We have rodents or dead cats
  • Random event, we went somewhere that there were fleas

As mentioned above, the itch begins hours after stinging, so we have to think about where we went.


The interior of the house should be sprayed on the entire surface of the floor and no mopping should take place for 24-48 hours.
If we have small children or animals we have to remove them until the first mopping. Adults, if they do not have allergy problems, can get into the room after they dry out.

Because spraying is done on the floor, rather than on furniture, pillows or other objects in the house, which may be a flea, we recommend the use of a gaseous product. In this case, the house should be closed for 5 hours and then used after ventilation.

Outdoors or in the warehouse area (where the cat was born or we dropped the manure) and around it, a very good spraying (wetting) should take place using a drug that fights the insect’s middle stages as well as the main biocide. Very often a second application is required. In the treatment of the flea a very important roles plays the cleanliness of the space and how much it is packed with things.

In any case, we have the knowledge, experience and means to deal with any condition, using approved medicines, so please call us at: 210-3473207,

or if you want to do it yourself, get the necessary insecticides at:

Insecticides for fleas